Non Academic Department

The Non Academic Department of the Plateau State College of Agriculture, Garkawa, is a critical component of support for the institution that we are working in. It has support the college since from inception.

Our Non Academic Departments

Provostry Department
Provost department manages the office and authority of the college provost by conducting clear administrative duties that provides leadership for the college.

Registry Department
This department manages the records of the college and conduct strict exercise in making sure that past and current claims aligns with what the school holds accountable.

Bursary Department
The bursary manages the account of the school and conduct the financial reconciliations required for the purpose of accountability.

Works Department
All technical and physical works is managed and handle by the above department and ensures technical standards are maintained.

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The Provostry Department is headed by the Provost of the College. The Provost is the Chief Executive Officer of the College. He is assisted in running the College affairs buy the Deputy Provost. The Provostry Department has the following Units under its purview:

a) The College Clinic
b) The Internal Audit Unit
c) The College Farm Unit
d) College Security Unit

College Clinic
This Unit is headed by a Matron. It is responsible for the administration of the College Sick Bay and coordination of the College health services. A breakdown of its functions are as follows:
i. Provision of medical attention to members of the College community that have any health challenge.
ii. The prevention of communicable diseases mainly by immunization and the provision of health education to the College community.
iii. The provision of maternal and child health care.
iv. The provision of primary dental and eye health care.
v. Referral of patients with ailments beyond its scope of operation.

Internal Audit
The Internal Audit Unit of the College is headed by the Chief Auditor. It has an autonomous status with reporting line to the Provost. The responsibilities of the Internal Audit Unit are as follows:
i. Ensuring that the College assets are properly safeguarded and accounted for.
ii. Ensuring that financial transactions are promptly and completely recorded.
iii. Ensuring that the institution is secured against fraud, waste and other avoidable losses.
iv. Ensuring that there is total compliance with Council and Management financial guidelines and with other statutory bodies.
v. Review continually internal control system applicable to different Departments, Sections and Units of the College with a view to ensuring that controls are adequate, relevant and strictly adhered to.

College Farm Unit
This Unit handles the commercial agricultural activities of the College. Thus the activities of the Unit are profit-oriented. They handle agriculture as a business. The Unit also allocates farm plots for students’ and staff research activities. It also provides training ground for Students Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) that is supervised by the Industrial Training Fund (ITF) for the College students and students posted to the College for the programme from other institutions.

Security Unit
The Security Unit is headed by the Head Security Officer. The Unit provides the following services:
i. Provision of protection and safety of lives and properties of members of the College community in liaison with the State security agencies.
ii. Accesses control and visitation procedures.
iii. Handles emergency response strategies.
iv. Combats campus crises situations.
v. Investigates how, where, why, and when losses occur.  

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The Registry Department is headed by the Registrar. The Department deals with the central personnel administration of the College. It is concerned basically with the procedures by which programmes and activities of the College as laid down by the extant rules and regulations are carried out. As an academic institution, the Registry Department deals with students’ admission, records, processing and issuance of certificates. It also facilitates the operation of other Departments of the College. Thus, the Registry Department is the engine room and mirror of the College. The Department is made up of the following Sections:

a) Establishments
b) General Administration
c) Students’ Affairs
d) Academics
e) Information and Protocols
f) Guidance and Counselling

This Section deals with staff employment, promotion, discipline, advancement and annual increments, salary structures, grading and enforcement of the Conditions and Schemes of Service. It serves as a pool of information on all staff matters.

General Administration
This Section of the Registry Department ensures that staff report timely at their duty posts, and works allocated are carried out efficiently. This involves supervision and maintenance of ethics among staff. It ensures proper training, deployment of staff to Departments and units in a manner that such staff are more productive, effective and efficient at their work. The Section handles staff welfare, and other duties assigned to it by the Registrar.

Students’ Affairs
This Section serves as a link between the College authority and the students body. The Section takes care of most students’ matters, including their welfare and discipline, recreational activities, transportation and other logistics. It oversees and ensures smooth conduct of elections of the officials of Students Union Government. All students’ problems and complaints are channel to the College Authority through the Students’ Affairs Office.

The Academic Section of the Registry handles the screening and admission of students into the College. It keeps various students’ records and related statistics, and implements policy decisions of the Academic Board of the College. This Section, in liaison with the College Examinations Office, handles the processing of students’ examination results and issuance of certificates to the grandaunts of the College.

Information and Protocols
This Section is responsible for obtaining accurate information on any matter in the College and creating awareness among members of the College community and the general public on the College activities. It liaises between the College and media organizations on matters relating to announcements, publicities, press releases interviews and press conferences. The Section is responsible for welcoming important guests and visitors to the College and conducting them around places of interest as may be directed by the College Management. It also educates staff, students of the College and the general public on the various organs and activities of the institution.

Guidance and Counselling
This Section of the Registry guides students in the choice of their careers in the various arms of agriculture. Very often, students who go through the Pre-National Diploma programme of the College get confused as to whether to pursue their National Diploma programme in Agricultural Technology, Animal Health and Production, Horticulture, or Home and Rural Economics. Each of these options leads to various areas of specializations at higher levels of learning in agriculture. The Guidance and Counseling Section organizes career trainings during which experts in the various aspects of Agriculture deliver lectures on their areas of specialization as a guide to the students. These lectures also serve as a guide to National Diploma and Higher National Diploma students as well in their choice of areas of specialization. The Section also routinely handles other counseling needs of the students. 

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The Bursary Department is headed by the Bursar who oversees the affairs of the Department. This Department handles all the financial transactions of the College. All the College incomes and expenditures are handled by this Department. For the effective handling of these responsibilities, the Bursary Department has the following Sections:

a) Salary Unit
b) Stores Unit
c) Revenue Unit
d) Financial Accounts Unit
e) Pension and Gratuity Unit
f) Budget Unit

Salary Unit
This Unit is responsible for the preparation, computation and payment of salaries to the staff of the College.

Stores Unit
This Unit is responsible for the procurement and keeping of all items and equipment's of the College and to also release any of the items to the Department that needs them.

Revenue Unit
This Unit is responsible for collection and lodging of all monies accruing to the College, and disbursement of same as approved by the Provost.

Financial Accounts Unit
This Unit is responsible for the documentation and reconciliation of the revenue and payments of the College.

Pension and Gratuity Unit
This Unit is responsible for the documentation and computation of the benefits of retiring staff, death benefits of deceased staff, and to advise the College Management on the entitlements of staff who retire.

Budget Unit
This Unit is responsible for the preparation of annual budgets of the College and presentation of same to the College Management. It is also responsible for the updating of Management on the workings of the monthly budget so that Management should not over-spend in any of the budget sub-heads. 

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The Department of Works is headed by the Director of Works. The Department has the responsibility of maintaining the College vehicles, buildings and other physical facilities. The Department carries out minor works and supervises the College projects.


Plateau State College of Agriculture, Garkawa, founded in 1998, under Col. Musa S. Shehu, plays a vital role in regional agriculture in the Middle Belt of Nigeria.

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