Student Affairs

The Students’ Affairs Division is a Division in the Registry Department of the College. It is headed by the Dean of Students’ Affairs under the supervision of the Registrar. Next to the Dean of Students’ Affairs is the Students’ Affairs Officer, who is responsible for the coordination of the co-curricular activities of the students within and outside the campus. The Students’ Affairs Division regulates the formation of students’ groups within which the students perform many of their activities.

Our Student Groups on Campus

There are a variety of students’ groups on campus in which the students perform many of their activities. Some of these groupings are professional associations, and some others are tribal associations. These students’ groups operate under the umbrella of the Students’ Union Government which governs the conduct of students at the College. The Students’ Union Government comprises of an Executive Arm and a Legislative Arm, known as the Students’ Parliament.

The professional associations include Agricultural Extension and Management (AEM) Students’ Association, Agricultural Technology Students’ Association (ATSA), Animal Science Students’ Association (ASSA), Horticulture Students Association (HSA), and Home Economics Students’ Association (HESA). In these professional associations, the students organize for themselves tutorials, symposia and lectures on selected subjects of interest in their various fields of learning.

Under the tribal associations, the students occasionally organize cultural activities, particularly during the Students’ Week which comes up once in a session, to acquaint themselves with their various cultures. They also organize varieties of activities within their tribal groups within the session. 

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Sporting Activities

Within the Student’s Affairs Division is the Sports Unit. This Unit is responsible for all the sporting activities for the students. The students do engage in indoor and outdoor sporting activities. The predominant indoor games are table tennis and badminton. The latter is also played as an outdoor game. Other outdoor sports are field and track events. Games such as football, basket ball, lawn tennis, volley ball are played at the College. The students are also involved in various track events (athletics).

The College students usually participate in inter-institutional sports competitions such as the Nigeria Colleges of Agriculture Games (NICAGA), and other friendly games with other tertiary institutions. In addition, inter-Departmental sporting competitions are usually organized yearly, and the winning Departments are awarded a trophy known as the Provost’s Cup. Occasionally, novelty matches are organized between the College Academic Board, Management, staff and students.

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Some Student Activities 

The student body at our institution takes active participation in a diverse array of social activities, contributing to the vibrant atmosphere on campus. These activities range from welcoming fresh students with lively welcome parties to bidding farewell to graduating seniors with heartfelt send-forth gatherings. Moreover, the students organize annual general elections to democratically select leaders for the Students' Union Government and various student groups, ensuring representation and effective governance within the student community. These engagements in co-curricular activities, alongside their regular academic commitments such as lectures, fieldwork, and laboratory practical, create a dynamic and engaging environment that keeps the campus buzzing with energy throughout the academic session. It's through these collective efforts and spirited involvement that our students enrich their collegiate experience and foster a sense of camaraderie within the campus community.


Plateau State College of Agriculture, Garkawa, founded in 1998, under Col. Musa S. Shehu, plays a vital role in regional agriculture in the Middle Belt of Nigeria.

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