Following an advertisement earlier this year, 2024, in the conventional media for the filling of staff vacancies, applications were submitted by candidates for employment into the various Departments of the College. The College has scheduled interviews for these candidates to commence on Monday, 29th July, to Thursday, 1st August, 2024 at the College premises. 

Welcome to Plateau State College
of Agriculture, Garkawa.

Dedicated to cultivating top-tier talent for Africa's agricultural landscape, we seamlessly fuse technology with brilliance in the face of evolving complexities. Our College stands as an unrivaled beacon, symbolizing a culture of unparalleled excellence within the dynamic realm of agricultural technology through dynamic learning systems.

 Agricultural & Engineering Technology

Agricultural Management & Voc. Studies

Animal and Basic  Science

About Our College

Established through Edict No. 9 of 1998 during the military administration of Col. Musa S. Shehu, Plateau State College of Agriculture, Garkawa, has become a pivotal institution in the southern part of Plateau State. Nestled in Garkawa, Mikang L.G.A, the college plays a crucial role in shaping the future of agriculture in the region.

The primary focus of the college is to train middle-level manpower in agriculture and related disciplines, paving the way for the conferment of National Diploma (ND) and Higher National Diploma (HND) in Agriculture and its allied fields. Beyond education, the college is a hub for groundbreaking research across various agricultural domains.

The mission and vision of the institution encompass a multifaceted approach to education and service. It aims to instill the spirit of self-reliance, industry, and versatility in its students, fostering a community service-oriented training that equips them with essential skills for self-employment. The college places significant emphasis on character molding for job creation and strives for academic excellence.

Furthermore, the institution is dedicated to developing national consciousness regarding academic honesty and views agriculture as a powerful tool to lift the nation out of poverty. With a forward-thinking perspective, the college actively contributes to promoting bio-food security in Nigeria, aligning its efforts with the broader goals of the nation. The overarching goal is to create a generation of skilled and conscientious individuals who will contribute significantly to the agricultural landscape and national development.

- Inculcating the spirit of self reliance, industry and versatility in the student.
- Community service oriented training in basic skills for self employment.
- Character moulding for job creation and the desire to achieve excellent education.
- Developing national consciousness toward academic honesty.
- Making agriculture a tool that can pull the nation out of poverty.
- Promoting bio-food security in our great country, Nigeria.

A Welcome Note by College Management

Welcome to Plateau State College of Agriculture, Garkawa!

We extend a warm and heartfelt welcome to all our esteemed students, parents, and stakeholders at Plateau State College of Agriculture, Garkawa. Established under Edict No. 9 of 1998 during the administration of Col. Musa S. Shehu, our institution is nestled in the serene town of Garkawa, Mikang L.G.A, in the southern part of Plateau State. At our college, we take pride in our commitment to cultivating middle-level manpower in agriculture and related disciplines, offering programs leading to the prestigious National Diploma (ND) and Higher National Diploma (HND). Our dedication extends beyond academic excellence, as we actively engage in impactful research across various fields of agriculture.

Our Mission and Vision: Cultivating Excellence, Inspiring Change
At Plateau State College of Agriculture, our mission is rooted in inculcating the spirit of self-reliance, industry, and versatility in our students. Through community service-oriented training, we empower individuals with essential skills for self-employment, fostering character molding for job creation and a commitment to achieving excellent education. We strive to develop national consciousness towards academic honesty and recognize agriculture as a powerful tool capable of lifting our nation out of poverty. Our vision includes promoting bio-food security in Nigeria, contributing to the overall well-being of our great country.

Embarking on a Journey of Knowledge and Transformation
As you embark on your educational journey with us, you join a community dedicated to growth, innovation, and positive change. Plateau State College of Agriculture is more than an institution; it's a platform where dreams are nurtured, talents are honed, and aspirations are turned into reality. We are excited to have you as part of our vibrant community, and we look forward to the incredible academic and personal transformations that await you. Welcome to a place where excellence thrives, and where your journey towards a successful future begins.

Our Schools at PLSCOA

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School of Agricultural and Engineering Technology

The agricultural engineering technology field builds skills in applied science and engineering in the areas of power and machinery, structures, environment, soil and water, food and processing engineering, electronics and information systems. You’ll have the option to focus in one of three areas - Agricultural Engineering Technology, Environmental Engineering Technology or Mechanized Systems Management - so you can tailor your studies to focus on your interests.

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School of Agricultural Management and Vocational Studies

The learning of agricultural management is key to the success of any agro-base enterprise. This school of Agricultural management and vocational studies is set up to teach this Knowledge and more in the area of vocational training for those who along the have an interest in agriculture.

The Department under the school is design to meet the need of the agricultural public within the context of international best practice and value chain development.

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School of Animal and Basic Sciences

Animal Science is concerned with the science and business of producing domestic livestock species, including but not limited to beef cattle, dairy cattle, horses, poultry, sheep, and swine. An animal scientist applies principles of the biological, physical, and social sciences to the problems associated with livestock production and management. Animal Science is also concerned with foods of animal origin: meat, dairy foods, and eggs. The food industry is one of the largest and most important industries in the United States. In addition, animal science is concerned with aspects of companion animals, including their nutrition, care, and welfare.

Information and Communication
Technology (ICT) Center

The Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Centre of the College, as its name implies, is the Centre for the acquisition of information by the College community and members of the general public. It is the Centre where users within the College and the general public can gain access to the Internet. The world, they say, is a global village, and it is the Internet that makes it so. Any user of the Internet can have access to any information from any part of the world on any subject matter within seconds by just a click on a few buttons on the connected computer.

The College ICT Centre has made the College visible to the global community by hosting the College portal. Any user of the Internet anywhere in the world can view the College on its portal and have access to information on its academic program, entry requirements, its application forms, mode of payment of registration fees, its academic calendar, its library and laboratory facilities, etc. Students and grandaunts of the College can obtain information on the College portal on their examination results, their semester activities, schedule of their convocation, academic transcripts, mobilization of their grandaunts for the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC), and any other relevant information.

In addition, the College ICT Centre provides other important services to the College community and the general public such as the typing, printing, photocopying and spiral binding of documents. An important service rendered by the College to its host community is rendered through the College ICT Centre. That is, the impartation of computer literacy to interested members of the public. These are intensive, 12-week long computer training program leading to the award of Certificate in Information and Communication Technology. Beneficiaries of this training program have obtained the computer literacy and the Certificates have facilitated their admission into higher institutions and job proficiencies to employees and the self-employed. 

"Empowering leaders in agriculture ignites a transformative journey, sowing seeds of innovation and harvesting a future ripe with prosperity."

Our Corporate Social Responsibility

Plateau State College of Agriculture is conscious of its corporate social responsibilities to the surrounding communities within the limits of its resources. To this end, the College mounted the Ordinary Diploma program to provide practical training to people that have a desire to embark on any of the aspects of agriculture.

The trainings are on the practice of the various aspects of crop production, horticulture, animal production and Home Economics.

Thus, the unemployed, and civil servants that are interested in acquiring the practical skills in any of these programs can take advantage of this opportunity and enroll into it. The College also provides agricultural extension services to the farmers within its vicinity, teaching them modern techniques of crop and/or animal production in an informal setting. The animal health experts of the College have, on a number of occasions, administered free treatments to the animals of the members of the surrounding communities. The College, through its ICT Centre, organizes training program for the impartation of computer literacy to members of the public leading to the award of Certificate in Information Technology. Members of the public can take advantage of these services rendered by the College to better their living and enhance their skills. 

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Provost Remark

Welcome to the Portal of Plateau State College of Agriculture, Garkawa, established in 1998 to cultivate middle-level manpower in agriculture. Initially focused on training agricultural extension workers, the college now places increasing emphasis on nurturing agricultural entrepreneurs. Recognizing agriculture as a business, the curriculum aims to equip students with the skills to maximize profits and become job creators. While some graduates may pursue further academic endeavors, the college's core objective remains instilling self-reliance, industry, and versatility, fostering a spirit of entrepreneurship and contributing to Nigeria's socioeconomic development through agriculture. Explore our offerings and join us in shaping a prosperous future through agricultural innovation and empowerment. Welcome once again to the Portal of Plateau State College of Agriculture.

Rev. Nathan Akila Loks
The College Provost

Our News

Read the latest news about Plateau State College of Agriculture, Garkawa.
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March 24, 2024
Course Accreditation

Plateau State College of Agriculture, Garkawa, played host to an assessment team from the National Board for Technical Education (NBTE) in March, 2024. The team visited the College for the inspection of facilities and manpower for the full accreditation of existing academic programmes .... 

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April 09, 2024
Community Service

The College runs a number of community services, one of which is a two-year practical-oriented training programme leading the award of the Ordinary Diploma certificate. The target audiences of this training programme are school leavers at all levels, ....

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July 18, 2024
Employment Interview

Following an advertisement earlier this year, 2024, in the conventional media for the filling of staff vacancies, applications were submitted by candidates for employment into the various Departments of the College. The College has scheduled interviews for these candidates to commence on Monday, 29th July, to Thursday, 1st August, 2024 at the College premises.

Our Gallery

outside of the College green house
 College Farm
Chemistry Lab
College Green House 
College poultry
College poultry
Entrepreneurship Development Center
College Chemistry lab



0 (803) 9141 588


Langtang - Zamko - Yelwa Road, Plateau State

Working Hours

8:00am - 5:00pm


Plateau State College of Agriculture, Garkawa, founded in 1998, under Col. Musa S. Shehu, plays a vital role in regional agriculture in the Middle Belt of Nigeria.

PLSCOA Support
  • Help Center
  • Application for Admission
  • Application for Employment
  • Working with Partners